Caroline Castrillon | CoachingOnline.Club

  • Are you feeling stuck in a job you hate? • Do you live for vacations and weekends?• Are you successful on the outside but empty on the inside?• Are you feeling suffocated, lacking the freedom, flexibility, and creativity that you really need?• Are you tired of your work persona, just wanting to be the real you in all areas of your life?►WHO I AMI am a career and life coach who helps people go from soul-sucking job to career fulfillment. After a successful 25-year corporate career, I decided to start my own business so that I could follow my passion and help others do the same. I draw upon my extensive training and successful career to be able to strategically coach clients to build their dreams one step at a time.►WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING“After several months of disengagement with my current job, I decided it was a time to do something about it. Connecting with Caroline was the first step in changing my situation. I had never worked with a coach before and wasn’t sure what to expect. Caroline made the process a powerful and impactful experience – something I looked forward to each week. She asked thought provoking questions that caused me to examine my current and past approaches and helped me to realize a path forward that felt right for me. If you are looking for a coach who will support you through your journey and hold you accountable to your goals, all while having fun, then Caroline is the coach for you!” – Kim S., Houston TX►WANT TO LEARN MORE?Visit my website: CorporateEscapeArtist

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